Monday, December 24, 2012

Methods of Creative Thinking - Random Association

After mind mapping and juxtaposing, we have come to the last method of idea generating. Random Association is so far the most unrestricted method of idea generating. This method barely had any restriction, it just randomly associate random words into the situation. This allow us to enter the existing pattern of our thinking at a totally different point, it is the 'out of context' situation that help generates new connection in our mind.

As I mentioned before, our brain is very powerful, it's a born problem solver! Whenever conflicts are occurred, our brain will automatically generate itself to solve the problem, so as we purposely create conflict to our brain, solution is just the matter of time. Random association can create huge conflict to the brain because it is random, the random word associated might not be associated by our brain before, which means, new connections! In other word, random association helps our brain grow.

Enough brain-talking, let's learn how to make random association work!

First of all, a situation is needed, a problem that faced by people. For example,

how to make a person stop smoking in 6 months time?

Then, you'll need to find a random word, I would say,

traffic light!

Now here's the process, you should first do a mind map of the random word first.

Lastly, merge your idea with the problem, simple!

Paint different colors to the cigarette to indicate the level of danger that the smoker is getting into. Starting off with, Green; start smoking and start to feel stupid, Yellow; entering the dangerous zone and finally Red; you are now about to commit suicide!

Cover 3/4 of cigarette with fancy crafted metal, the cigarette will be way too expensive for smoker to buy, plus, the cigarette will be too hot to hold.

Add in material into cigarette that will change the color of the smoker's mouth, this will definitely affect the smoker's social life further on.

Make the cigarette more crunchy than ever, then i will mess up the smoker's hands and clothes.

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