Saturday, October 27, 2012

Object of the day

Question : What is this object of curiosity?

My lecturer actually played with this funny thing in every way you could think of during the whole lecture! And when I say in every way, I did mean EVERY WAY, he generally place that little thing on his finger, his mouth, and even ear! Besides, he said that he actually picked it up somewhere on the floor of our campus and then he decided to mix this small little thing into our lecture, which in other word, EEEWWWWWW! But still, I salute him, despite the cleanliness issue, he really promoted the environment of the class. Bravo Mr.Yap! =)

Back to topic! What is this small little thing? According to Mr.Yap, it could be :

-An anti-rudeness capper


Simple, just gently wear the object on your middle finger, then point the finger to anyone, the moment of humiliation will instantly turn into either giggle or monstrous laugh, it's true!

-An instrument
      Hold, throw to either some place hard or someone's head,
      then there goes your music! (OUCH)

-A pirate goggle
      Put the hole of the object directly on one of your eye,
      then scream ARGH!

Now, enough of his, instead, let's talk about my thought of what that thing is!
It could be:

-A medicine(pill) cup

Most people hold their medicine by using their own palm, but there is a big possibilities that the medicine fell off their hand. With this cup, they can eat their medicine without dropping it.

-A toy spring


Used to turn the spring inside a toy, after turning the spring, the toy will somehow move or shake.

-A pointer for lecturers

      The theory is almost the same as the anti-rudeness capper, but just by wearing it on your forefinger. Now when you wanted to indicate a word from the projection of your slide to your student, but the word is way too big to indicate with just a little fingertip. With this pointer, you can indicate the world much more easily!

It's just my thoughts of what that object is, but the truth is, for laughing out loud I have absolutely no idea what that REALLY is!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Why did the Titanic hit the iceberg?

Told you the question is weird and I'm going to answer it in an even more crazy way!

Now, I know most of the people will think that Titanic sank because the crew on the crow's nest is too late to notice the iceberg, the ship is too fast, the captain is taking the wrong emergency measures and some other reason, but I respectfully disagree with that fact. I think the sink of the Unsinkable Ship is not as simple as a technical mistake!

Don't you found it curious? A ship that was labelled the world's largest and most luxury ship will just sink by a single scratch by an iceberg? Will a ship made of metal just simply scraped open by ice? Sounds impossible to my current physics knowledge, but there is one reason why Titanic will hit the iceberg, that is because there is no one steering the ship at the time, that will lead us to another why. Why will there be no one steering the ship since there were more than 1000 crew on board?

According to my researches, during the night that Titanic sink, the crew of the Californian(a ship nearest to the Titanic during the sinking) actually saw some lights coming from Titanic which happens to be a sort of distress signals calling for help, but what if that wasn't a distress signal? What if it was a mysterious light coming from the sky and crashed onto the Titanic? That's right! I'm talking about invasion from outer space! Which also known as ALIENS!

Everything is possible people, since lately I've learned that mass media is just a disguise of what is true behind. What do you think about Area 51? Is it real? Until now, the appearance of Area 51 is still living between exist and didn't exist in our mind. The newspaper, the internet, the books that gives you information about the sinking of Titanic might not be the truth! The government can be manipulating everything from the shadow. No offence though.

Now back to the story, let us assume that the distress signals that night is actually the light coming from an alien spaceship, and assume that the aliens are looked exactly like the movie Aliens, if you know what I'm saying. Now that the aliens spaceship had crashed onto the Titanic's dock, and that's when the vicious killing begins!

Maybe the aliens had came to the right century, because during that century, they had no powerful space gun, nor super laser gun, they only got small little pistol that can only fill 5 bullets at a time,or a bigger pistol, at most, so it was not a fair  fight. That's when the passengers starting to evacuate and the crew trying hard to fight the aliens. That's it! That's the reason why there is no one steering the ship! They were too busy fighting the aliens, and that leads to the collision with iceberg. No, no, don't get me wrong! The iceberg didn't scrape open the ship's starboard, but the acid of the aliens did. The acid of the aliens are well known as it can melt anything except their own exoskeleton. While the aliens are killing passengers and the crew, the acid dropped from their mouth corrupted the metal of the ship, that how the water enters the ship.

The passengers quickly evacuate by using the lifeboats. Some of them were lucky, but most of them got killed before they haven't even got onto the lifeboat. That explains why most of the lifeboats were not fully loaded with people. The acid were so strong, that it had corrupted most of the metal of the ship and finally, the metal can't bear the weight of the bow of the ship any more then broke into two. Eventually, the ship sank, along the alien spaceship, beneath the Atlantic.

So, were the aliens found after the rescue team had came? Or the aliens had swam to Hollywood to start a better life? 

directed by Ridley Scott

But the one thing that I know is, the aliens' invasion is the reason why Titanic hit the iceberg. Just so you ask. =)

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Fresh New Start

Hey there!
It's not my first time blogging, but my last blog was like 4 years ago, so hopefully this time I will do it more maturely than my last blog, since I'm just 15 years old back then. Don't ask!

First thing first,
this blog will be my assignment to write down my comments and feelings about my lecture, which is Creative Studies, at the mean time, I will also be answering the questions that my lecturer asked me, which is weird and crazy all the time, but I will still answer it!

Since my lecturer had make me created this blog, I'm not going to stop blogging even after the assignment! (hopefully) But until then! I won't be putting too much of my personal life experience into the blog since it is still an assignment after all.

So bear with me, this will be an AWSOME BLOG! =)